
Awards for 11th World Congress on Chemistry & Medicinal Chemistry

Marcos Roberto Tovani Palone


This award seeks to recognise an outstanding Keynote Speaker who have done the Excellent Contribution towards his Oral Presentation, as well as towards the field of Chemistry. This award is also awaiting for the Speakers who have made efforts and consumed the time towards Conference. But in terms, we are looking for the Best Individual who made a real difference to achieve the Innovations in Chemistry & Pharma Sector.They might be Professors in Chemistry, Post-doctoral researchers, Instrumentation engineers and Researchers in Chemistry, Heads of Chemical Departments, Laboratory Chemists, Industry Professionals. A prominent who assumed a significant job in the field of analytical chemistry and Instrumentation also likewise be considered.

Best Speaker Award of Chemistry 2020: This award is seeking to recognise a Best Speaker or their team who are making an outstanding contribution to their Research or Workshop. This Award may be owed by Single Speaker or Team, in which it is awarded by the Organizing Committee Members of the Conference. The OCM’s will be Nominating the Personnel/Team who have made Outstanding Output of Presentations in the Conference.The participants who may be a research scientists, Faculties, Laboratory technicians and professionals of Laboratories are eligible. Finally a speaker who played an important role in the field of Chemistry and Instrumentation should also be considered.

Best OCM Award of Chemistry 2020: The Award is looking for an individual who has an established history of distinguished service towards Pharma & Chemistry Sector, made a lasting contribution to local healthcare, who have done the exhibited leadership through Networking and provide the inspiration to others throughout the event. The Main thing is individual should have an minimum experience of 20 years in Healthcare Sector. The Best Organising Committee Member Award is an individual award in recognition of a person’s outstanding contributions with high Experience and Expertise are Considered.

Best Poster Award of Chemistry 2020: This award seeks to recognise an Team or Individual who had demonstrated their excellence with their research works through the Poster Presentations. After, Organizing Committee will be approaching to all the Posters for Review process and Queries to be Clarified. Later the Best Poster will be nominated among from all the Posters and the Fellow/Team of Best Poster will be felicitated with Certificate and Best Poster Award. For this individual may be a students, Faculty of instrumentation, associates, technicians and industry professionals/Head of the Departments or Managers.

Outstanding Masters/Ph.D/PosdDoc Award Chemistry 2020: This award will go to the individual who has implemented an idea or innovative approach which has resulted in new innovative ideas in the fields of chemistry and improved practice or a new way of working. They may have carried out or published innovative thesis, research papers, been involved with chemistry and medicinal chemistry trials or completed research works in the field of chemistry. The Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./PosdDoc Thesis work presentation in Chemistry 2020 award might be going to the Heads of Chemical Departments, Professors in medicinal Chemistry, Laboratory Chemists, Industry Professionals.


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