Foreign rural cooperatives correlation growth data comparative research
Ling Qin
The paper utilizes trend extrapolation prediction approach to predict foreign rural cooperatives correlation growth data in four years after 2013. Firstly it adopts modified exponential curve method to make quantitative analysis of Australia, America, New Zealand one region rural cooperatives correlation growth data during 2005-2013, gets prediction mathematical model, on this basis, considering three countries rural cooperatives correlation growth data each period changing rates are different, and utilizes growth curve to make further prediction on number of people, lets prediction value to be more accurate, so that studies three countries rural cooperatives correlation growth data development trend in four years after 2013. Finally it gets American one region rural cooperatives amount is relative more, but its changing trend is smaller, Australian and New Zealand one region rural cooperatives amount changes ranges are relative bigger but amount is relative little, the model provides theoretical support for future studying foreign rural cooperatives growth.