
Prophylactic activity ofKashni against hepatocellular injury induced in albino mice

Tabassum Nahid, M.Y.Shah, A.Shah, M.A.Qazi, M.Mudasir

Herbal drugs have gained importance in recent years because of their efficacy and cost effectiveness. Kashni (Cichorium intybus Linn., commonly known as Chicory) is one such herb which is used in Indian medicine as tonic. It is said to be useful in fevers, vomiting, diarrhoea and enlargement of spleen. Its root is used as stomachic and diuretic. It has been reported to be useful in jaundice, liver enlargement, gout and rheumatism. Roots are used as blood purifier, emmenagogue and in asthma. Its seeds have been reported to be carminative, agglutinating and cholagogue. In the present study, 50% ethanolic extract of whole plant of Kashni, at three dose levels (50,100 and 200mg/kg), was evaluated for prophylactic activity against paracetamol induced hepatocellular damage in albino mice. Extract of the herb, when administered prophylactically, was found to reduce the serum alanine transaminase (ALT) levels in a dose dependent manner while the dose of 200mg/kg/day of Kashni resulted in highly significant fall in the serumALT levels. These results were confirmed by histopathological studies which revealed marked regenerative activity at three doses of the extract.


  • キャス
  • Google スカラー
  • Jゲートを開く
  • 中国国家知識基盤 (CNKI)
  • サイテファクター
  • コスモスIF
  • 研究ジャーナル索引作成ディレクトリ (DRJI)
  • 秘密検索エンジン研究所
  • ユーロパブ



ジャーナル h-インデックス

