Q-absorbance ratio spectrophotometricmethod for the simultaneous estimation of Nimesulide and Chlorzoxazone in dosage form.
Vishal A.Patil, Sanjay B.Bari, Dilip A.Patil
The present work carries an analyticalmethod development of Nimesulide and Chlorzoxazone in tablet dosage form. The method is based upon Qabsorption ratio method for the simultaneous determination of Nimesulide and Chlorzoxazone.Absorption ratio method is used at two selected wavelengths, one of which is the iso-absorptive point and other being the ëmax of other components. Nimesulide and Chlorzoxazone show their iso-absorptive point at 231nm in 0.1M NaOH solution. The second wavelength used is 244 nmwhich is the ëmax of Chlorzoxazone in 0.1M NaOHsolution. The linearity was obtained in the concentration range of 3-15 ppm for Nimesulide and Chlorzoxazone. The percentage RSD for precision and accuracy of method was found to be less than 2 %. This method was applied to all pharmaceutical dosage form because there is no excipients interference between them. The results have been validated by recovery studies. 2013 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA.