Suspension Culture Studies To Observe Secondary Metabolite Content In Hyptis Suaveolens
Amruta Indane, Alka Chaturvedi
In recent years plant cells isolated and cultivated in vitro have potential to produce and accumulate medicinally important secondary metabolites by the plant from, which they originate. In the present investigation an attempt was made to develop the protocol to study the accumulation of secondary metabolites in in vitro raised samples of Hyptis suaveolens. During the studies, different combinations and concentrations of growth hormones were standardized to induce callusing, to obtain friable callus and for suspension culture. Different combinations of NAA, BAP and kinetinwere tried to obtain the results. TheMS and LSmediumcontaining 1mg/l BAP and 1 mg/l NAA was used to obtain the suspension culture fromthe friable callus.