
Tissue culture studies in banana (Musa paradisica L.)

Anitha Thomas, P.Sudha Reddy

Advance in cell tissue and protoplast culture in recent years has evoked great interest in geneticists and plant breeders to exploit techniques in gene manipulation and crop improvement. Crop improvement primarily depends on the availability of desired genetic variation. Ageneral knowledge ofmedia, specific organic requirements, source of explants and gene type that promotes efficient callusing and regeneration in long term cultures are prerequisites for successful exploitation of cell and tissue culture techniques for crop improvement:Of all the termswhich have been applied to the process, “micro propagation” is the term which best conveys the message of the tissue culture technique most widely in use today(1). The prefix “micro” generally refers to the small size of the tissue taken for propagation, but could equally refer to the size of the plants which are produced as a result. Bananas are probably the only type of crop that is used a fruit and as a starch providing food. It is widely grown inmost parts of the world. In many developing countries local people derive their food energy requirements frombananas. Improved banana programs can change banana production not only as a food but also as a cash crop for export, which would improve the living standard of the people The tissue culture involves producing disease free plants. This is a technique that enhances the ability of banana plant to regenerate into a whole plant from a single meristemor shoot apex. Be multiplied into several thousand plants in less than one year.Withmost species, the taking of the original tissue explant does not destroy the parent plant. The present work deals with cultivation of Musa Paradisica.

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